What Are Affirmations, How to Use Them, And Why I’m Crazy ’bout Them

One thing about me, I love me some affirmations! I use them just about everyday. They are one of my favorite things to use when I am feeling stuck, unsure or just in a funk. They are great for helping me to get out of my head, and not getting distracted by my inner critic.

What Are Affirmations:

Affirmations are positive statements that you say to yourself out loud or silently. They are used to help reprogram your subconscious mind into accepting and believing all the positive things you say to yourself. Affirmations are a form of self-hypnosis, they can be used to help change your thoughts and behaviors, as well as alter your mood and emotions. They are a good way to boost self-esteem, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being. When used consistently over time, affirmations can help to reduce negative self-talk, as well as create new habits and healthy thought patterns.

Here’s How to Use Affirmations:

1. First you want to think about what it is you want to achieve from your affirmations. Do you want to accomplish a goal, are you trying to build self-esteem, do you need reassurance, or do you just want a dose of positivity.

2. Create a list of affirmations that resonate with you and your needs that feels authentic. You can write them down on a piece of paper or type them in a document on your computer. You can also record yourself saying them so that you can listen again at a later date. Some examples include: “I am worthy”, “I love myself”, “I am happy”, “I am successful”. Make sure that each affirmation feels true to you and resonates with who you are at your core.

3. Read through your list of affirmations each morning before getting out of bed or at night before going to bed. This ensures that your affirmations are fresh in mind and will be more effective at helping to shift your mindset. You can also recite your affirmations while in the shower, right out of the shower, while driving to work, or anytime you experience a negative thought or difficult situation.

4. It’s also good practice to combine affirmations with other methods such as yoga, meditation, visualization or goal setting. The more ways you use affirmations in conjunction with other techniques, the faster they’ll work for you. With that being said, don’t expect affirmations to change your life overnight. You need to be consistent in saying your affirmations daily, while actively working towards achieving the things you desire.

15 Examples of Affirmations You Can Use

Affirmations for Romantic Love

  • I am deserving of a healthy relationship
  • I am ready to receive love
  • I am grateful for my partner

Affirmations for Parents

  • I am a patient parent
  • I am doing my best
  • I am deserving of rest

Affirmation for Self-Esteem

  • I am beautiful
  • I am in love with my body
  • I radiate confidence

Affirmations for A Good Day

  • I will have a good day today
  • I am in control of how my day goes
  • I will be productive today

Affirmations for Self-Care

  • I will rest when needed
  • I will take better care of myself
  • I will do more of the things I enjoy

Affirmations are a great way to improve your thought patterns by changing the way you think. They can be used to create positive thoughts, boost self-esteem, improve your problem solving skills, and manifest abundance and prosperity in your life. I love affirmations because they are easy to use and can be done anywhere at anytime by anyone. I personally use them as a mood booster when I am feeling down, as a motivator when I am working towards something, and as a positive start to my day. It’s important to keep things simple and true to you and your own desires. In the beginning when getting started, things may feel a little weird, but with consistency things become natural, easy, and even second nature. I affirm you to speak to yourself kindly and speak into existence the things you want for yourself.

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